Dinge-Geschichten / Thing Stories 东西故事
This book is part of the artistic research project ‘The Things are Us, We are the Things’ that deals with the theme of culturally coded objects. Ten mysterious but typical German everyday-life objects were brought to China and vice versa. These objects were temporarily ‘adopted’ by people in the respective foreign country who had their own ideas and imagination about the strange-looking artefacts. Their new inter- pretations of the possible functions of the things are compiled and illustrated in the little (non-)fiction book.
Work: Book content concept & design/illustration
Publisher: Drachenhaus Verlag Esslingen, 2013
96 pages | 15cm x 16cm | bilingual: chinese & german
offset print | hardcover | printed on 3 grades of paper
ISBN: 978-3943314083
*Longlist der Schönsten Bücher der Stiftung Buchkunst 2014
Lovely recension by Asia and Manga-lover Micha on sumikai
Interview by Vera Tollmann about the project “The Things are Us, We are the Things” by the Goethe Institute
Presented on Kulturradio vom rbb