Coming soon: Yaotaos Zeichen
After more than four years of preparation, my next marathon-like book project „Yaotaos Zeichen“ (Yaotao’s Characters) will be finally published by kunstanstifter publishers in September!
Lyon in the Southeast of France: In her grandparent’s attic, Lucie finds an old suitcase filled with mysterious Chinese letters. Does it belong to her great-grandfather Yaotao who emigrated in the thirties from China to France? All of a sudden the characters begin to dance and tell her Yaotao’s story.
„Yaotao’s Zeichen“ is an atmospheric journey back in time, written for both young and old, and a story
about the arrival in a new culture.
The story was inspired by artistic research in the “Fonds Chinois”(Chinese Archive) of the Bibliothèque Municipal in Lyon between the years 2013 and 2015.