里昂的汉字 The Chinese Characters from Lyon
The Chinese version of Yaotaos Zeichen – 里昂的汉字 is out now! With a new cover and bonus materials just for Chinese readers: 导读 review for parents by 陈香 CHEN Xiang and an additional chapter with historical background about the Institute Franco Chinois 中法大学。
In the 1930s the young man arrives after a voyage on the ocean in Lyon, where he discovers an unknown culture: the first French words, moments of homesickness and the tender love for pretty Laurence. A few years later the newly minted doctor returns with Laurence and their newborn child to Beijing. There the young family wants to begin a new life, if it wasn’t for the war that disrupts their plans… They experience the tumultuous times of the Second World War.
A illustrated novell by Yi Meng Wu
Publisher: Zhejiang Children & Youth Publishing House
浙江少年儿童出版社, China, 2019
format: 106 pages | offset print with hardcover
ISBN: 978-7-5597-1087-1
* Selected for best Chinese books July 2019 by CNread 中华读书报
* Awarded with “The most beautiful Books of China 最美的书” 2019
– Bilingual Interview by Margrit Manz (in Chinese and German)
Confucius Institute Magazine Germany, Volume 33 Issue 4, September 2019
– A short video interview about the making of the book by 德国印象 – the online cultural channel of the German Embassy in China (in Chinese Language).
– Article about “the most beautiful books” (of China) by ZHEJIANG NEWS, November 29th 2019